CP Aviation is a family-owned business located in Santa Paula, California. CP currently maintains a fleet of aerobatic airplanes ranging from a Citabria to a Pitts S-2B, and numerous Cessna's. CP is also home to Judy Phelps, Master CFI-Aerobatic instructor and The 2011 National Flight Instructor of the Year. For more information about CP Aviation please visit www.cpaviation.com(link is external). This scholarship aims to promote aviation safety through unusual attitude and aerobatic training. The scholarship includes three modules of the EMT® course which includes Stall/Spin Awareness, In-flight Emergencies, and Basic Aerobatics. The course will be taught in a Citabria and Decathlon.
Qualifications: The recipient must be a member of IAC and hold a private pilot certificate.
Scholarship Amount: $3,100 (no cash value).
Download the application form from the attachment below. Follow the submission instructions on the application form carefully. Return the completed applications to: iac@eaa.org(link sends e-mail)
Applications received by June 30th are considered for this year's award.